When most people buy a product, the first thing they notice is the aesthetics of the bag. But for customers who need to buy a vffs packing machine, they must consider all aspects. For example: the working efficiency of the packaging machine, the quality of the machine, the quality of the bag, etc., and they cannot only consider the surface aesthetics. When many people buy packaging machines, they may have problems with the quality of the selected vffs packaging machine or the sealing of the bag due to lack of consideration from many aspects. This affects the service life of the machine, the packaging speed, the quality of the bag, etc. Therefore, customers who want to buy a suitable double-line liquid packing machine can read this article carefully. Understand what aspects need to be paid attention to when buying a suitable double-line vertical pouch packing machine, and help customers more conveniently and efficiently.
How to find the suitable vffs packaging machine for your product?
When looking for a vffs packaging machine, you first need to understand the product to be packaged and find a suitable packing machine based on its different characteristics. This is the most basic requirement, and the second is to follow the customer's design requirements for the bag. We can choose a vffs packing machine based on these two points. Later, according to the customer's more detailed needs for packaging machine quality, efficiency, price, etc., one by one, carefully select. The following are important points on how to choose a suitable double-line vffs packing machine:
1. Quality of vffs packing machine
No matter what you buy, the quality requirement is the top priority, and the purchase of packaging machines is no exception. Only by ensuring the quality of the purchased products can they be more durable and increase their service life. In order to have better quality and aesthetics, this vertical double-line packaging machine is made of stainless steel. This material is not only strong and durable, but also has good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. In this way, it can be used to package more different products and is more practical. It is also very convenient to clean after use or when changing packaging materials, and the cleaning will be very clean. These high-quality packaging machines are more convenient for daily cleaning and maintenance, effectively increasing the service life.
2. Function of packing machine
The function of vffs packaging machine is to seal the product for subsequent storage and customer purchase. Different products and packaging requirements will have different packaging and bag making processes, which consist of feeding, metering, filling, bag making, printing date, sealing, bag cutting and output. According to these different bag making steps, according to the characteristics of the packaged product, choose the appropriate metering and packaging device. If the product is liquid/sauce, according to its different density and fluidity characteristics. You can choose a suitable material conveying pump to ensure more accurate metering and high filling and packaging efficiency. You can also choose other bag making devices according to the customer's bag making requirements, such as punching devices, easy tear devices, film cutters, etc, which can make the bag more beautiful and convenient to open.
3. Packaging efficiency
Different packaging machines have different bag making speeds, and the packaging efficiency varies. For customers who need a high-efficiency vffs packing machine, choosing a vertical double-line packing machine becomes the first choice. The packaging efficiency of this machine is not only affected by the speed and quantity, but also by the smoothness of the bag making process of the packaging machine. It is necessary to ensure that the bag making process of the machine is smooth, unaffected, and does not stop working. The double-line packing machine can effectively avoid these problems and is the first choice for customers who pursue high packaging efficiency. For example, this double-line vffs packing machine is twice the speed and quantity of an ordinary vertical packaging machine. Or when a problem occurs on one side of the double-line packing machine, the other side can continue to pack without being affected, thereby improving the bag making efficiency.
4. Bag making design requirements
The aesthetics of the double-line packaging machine's bags also need to be considered. Only when the purchased double-line packing machine's bags are of high quality can it attract more customers to buy. Different products have different bag making requirements. In addition to the requirements for the sealing part, there are also requirements for the size, shape, style, etc. of the bag. Different models of vffs packaging machines are suitable for different bag making needs. Large packaging machines can make large-sized bags. This double-line vertical packaging machine can make small bags, and can also customize the cutter film according to needs to make bags of different shapes. The bags can not only better protect the hygiene of the products, but also be safer to use. It can also attract more customers to buy and use, effectively increasing product sales.
There are many aspects to consider when choosing a suitable double-line packaging machine, some of which are important and some are minor. You can choose or customize a suitable vertical double-line packing machine according to its different focuses and customer requirements. By understanding the characteristics of the packaged products, the customer's bag-making needs, the quality of the vffs packaging machine, packaging efficiency and customization, you can choose a high-quality double-line vertical packaging machine. If you are confused about choosing a vffs packing machine, you can read this article. Understand the different characteristics of packaging machines and how to choose a suitable vertical packing machine. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us and we will answer you in detail.
'Mutual care and mutual achievement' are the principles that Shanghai FU-BO Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the company's internal interaction with customers.