vertical jelly sachet packing machine

You’re in the right place for vertical jelly sachet packing machine.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on FUBO.we guarantee that it’s here on FUBO.
It has a variety of charging modes. In the temperature compensation mode, it can automatically increase or decrease the charging voltage according to the charging environment temperature, effectively improving the situation of insufficient charging in winter and overheating in summer..
We aim to provide the highest quality vertical jelly sachet packing machine.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • vertical irregular shape stick bag packing machine FUBO
    vertical irregular shape stick bag packing machine FUBO
    The most common vertical packaging machine is the single-row vertical packaging machine, but with the increase in people's needs, vertical double-row packaging machines have emerged. The bags made by this double-row special-shaped strip bag packaging machine are all strip bags. Different cutting tools and molds can be customized according to the customer's bag-making needs to produce bags of different styles. The double-row packaging machine is mainly used for packaging liquid and sauce products. Different metering and feeding devices can also be installed according to the different packaging products. For example: measuring cup metering and feeding device, powder metering and feeding device and liquid/sauce pump, etc. Vertical double-row packaging machines are mostly used in industries such as food and daily necessities, and have been exported to South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Spain, etc.
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