vertical form fill seal packaging machine

You’re in the right place for vertical form fill seal packaging machine.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on FUBO.we guarantee that it’s here on FUBO.
is produced in strict accordance with the national and industry standards, and the manufactured has stable performance, reliable quality, and safe use, and has won wide acclaim in the market..
We aim to provide the highest quality vertical form fill seal packaging machine.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • VFFS powder and granular packaging machine with good price - FUBO
    VFFS powder and granular packaging machine with good price - FUBO
    Name of machine: VFFS powder and granular packaging machine (3-side seal sachet)Function: date print, powder auger filler, volumetric cup, film input, filling, sealing, cutting etc.Materials of packing machine: SS304Control mode: automaticNew: 100% brant new made in China
  • FBV-300Y VFFS shaped sachet packing machine
    FBV-300Y VFFS shaped sachet packing machine
    The model of this vertical liquid/sauce packing machine is FBV-300Y VFFS shaped sachet packaging machine, which can produce irregular shape bags with a maximum size of about 300mm. It is widely used in the current food industry and daily necessities industry, such as packaging honey, ketchup, shampoo, shower gel and other products. It is the first choice for most customers who need to buy packing machines, and has been exported to many countries, such as Switzerland, Vietnam and Dubai.
  • 3-Side Seal Sachet Packaging Machine for vinegar
    3-Side Seal Sachet Packaging Machine for vinegar
    Name of machine: FBV-300D vinegar sachet packing machineFunctions: form fill seal, cut device, date printer, film inputMaterials of machine: SS304 & SS316LControl mode: automaticallyNew: 100% brant new made in China
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